Michael Doyle - Team Lead, Backend Engineer
Mickey is a senior at Iowa State University studying Computer Engineering. He serves as an executive member of the Robotics Club at ISU. In his spare time, he enjoys playing volleyball and playing video games.
Gabe Rueger - System Design Lead, Frontend Engineer
Gabe is a Computer Engineering major from Hubbard, Iowa. In his free time, he enjoys running, biking, frisbee golfing, and playing video games with his friends. After graduation, he intends to pursue graduate studies.
Micheal Thai - Report Manager, Backend Engineer
Micheal Thai is a senior at Iowa State University studying Electrical Engineering with an emphasis in power systems. He has a virtual Summer research internship with RWTH Aachen University in Germany. He would upgrade an existing LV voltage control developed in this institute to receive setpoints from the MV control level. Upon graduation, he wants to pursue his Master’s Degree in Germany.
Patrick Shirazi - Scribe, Frontend Engineer
Patrick is a Software Engineering student from Iowa City, Iowa. After graduation he plans to go to graduate school and pursue further computer science and software engineering topics in a yet to be determined focus. In his free time he enjoys watching and playing soccer.
William Bronson - Informatics Lead, Backend Engineer
William is a senior at Iowa state University studying Electrical engineering. After graduation he plans to pursue a career in the biomedical industry. In his free time he enjoys reading books and writing poems.